Saturday, February 23, 2008

Visual Journaling - Part II HOME

I am home in Raleigh today. We drove in yesterday. As we left Cullowhee, I stopped several times to take photos of the mountains in the clouds. It would never become commonplace to me to see this view.

This lovely composition is my fellow (Gemini) artist Matt's shoes and his journal for the week!!! I was TRYING to stay serious and focused during our closing circle, but I looked down to see this marvelous ensemble and couldn't resist.

Later this evening I'll be posting some additional photos of the Visual Journaling workshop, including ones of Eric Scott and Dave Molder, our fearless leaders in that quest. Please watch for their work to appear in book form sometime soon, and remember to look for their names if you are checking out some workshops or conference presentations, as they are marvelous leaders through the process of visual journaling.

Back soon!


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