Sunday, February 24, 2008

Visual Journaling - Loose Ends (and NEWS)

It is Sunday evening, and I am trying to be HAPPY about going back to work tomorrow! :) I'm posting a couple of snapshots of my work space last week, and I have to say these were NOT the typical mess that usually describes my table or desk. Observe the half-eaten apple...if the food were not so good last week, I would have forgotten to eat!

Another little glimpse of the workspace.

Here's Eric working on his own journal. I will try again another day to post the snapshot I took of Dave, but right now it keeps uploading upside-down for some reason, so I will leave it until later.

As I look at this photo of the mountains, I'm cooking a huge pot of taco soup, recipe courtesy of NCCAT dining smells wonderful and should make lots of lunches this week.

Now the big news: CLOTH PAPER SCISSORS March/April issue will be on the shelves March 3 (a week from tomorrow), and the interview that Lesley Riley did with me is in it! It is called "Artist to Artist with Lynda Boltz" by Lesley Riley. I received my advance copies yesterday, and I am so excited and honored to be part of this fine publication! Please take a look at it and send me your comments. Thank you, Lesley!

Big news PART 2: We are NOT going to Pienza Italy after all. So sad. BUT I am taking a solo trip to England in June, so I want everyone to write with your ideas for where I should go and what I should not miss, OK?


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Visual Journaling - Part II HOME

I am home in Raleigh today. We drove in yesterday. As we left Cullowhee, I stopped several times to take photos of the mountains in the clouds. It would never become commonplace to me to see this view.

This lovely composition is my fellow (Gemini) artist Matt's shoes and his journal for the week!!! I was TRYING to stay serious and focused during our closing circle, but I looked down to see this marvelous ensemble and couldn't resist.

Later this evening I'll be posting some additional photos of the Visual Journaling workshop, including ones of Eric Scott and Dave Molder, our fearless leaders in that quest. Please watch for their work to appear in book form sometime soon, and remember to look for their names if you are checking out some workshops or conference presentations, as they are marvelous leaders through the process of visual journaling.

Back soon!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Visual Journaling- Part I

Greetings from the mountains of western North Carolina! Here is a detail from a stained glass window I enjoyed on a "scavenger hunt" to greater downtown Sylva.

Lovely, no? I'm hoping this will inspire some journal pages. I love the colors.

It is 36 degrees here in Cullowhee, in the mountains of western North Carolina, but most of us here have not thought too much about the weather lately, because we have been spending 12 hour days in the studio. The two facilitators are marvelous and I will write about them more at length in another post. They have led us through writing prompts, suggested the myriad ways to confront the enemy (the blank page), and demonstrated methods of image transfer, watercolor, and use of photos and other artifacts in our journaling. All of us have already made vast progress.

I wandered some about the studio yesterday and there was a true visual feast! Each of us (24) has interpreted the prompts and inspirations in our own way, through our own vision, and the results are absolutely beautiful, awe-inspiring, touching, funny, and in many ways, surprising. We have been urged to be honest and to share what we choose to share with the group. Here are some pages (some in progress) from my own "Transformation" journal.

The cover:

Symbols and meanings: the swirl, the circle, the square, the triangle, the cross.

Next is a background process for these facing pages -- all in blue. I had somewhat of an idea where it would go, and this morning I will finish it and post the finished product here. The background is watercolor, sprinkled with salt, then dried, after which I took a fine point black pen and emphasized some of the lines created by the watercolor.

After the blue page is My coffee page! I began by staining the pages with coffee from a spray bottle. I collaged torn and scrunched pieces of brown paper and dress pattern tissue for both color and texture, then journaled on them. Here is a detail from that page showing my journaling about my mother, father, and the proprietor of a cafe in France...all about coffee! I then had to scribble in a verse of the "Java Jive"!

The next images are from "I NEED" page and "I WANT" page. what I need is TIME, hence the clock theme on that page. On the other, I used many tiny copies of my own art and photography, as well as images clipped from magazines and other ephemera. There is even a tiny square from the cover of one of my antique copies of LITTLE WOMEN.

Enjoy these, and please leave comments or questions. I'll post again before the end of the week. I can't wait to get to breakfast and back into the studio! Thanks for visiting. Lynda

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Transformation -- the definition of art?

Welcome to February! I don't care if the groundhog saw his shadow -- I have figured out that I can wear fuzzy socks, velour warmups, and curl up under a nice quilt if I need to! I have a great recipe for sugar-free hot chocolate, so I am set!

I'm off to a visual journaling class in the mountains of western NC in two weeks, and as an exercise before I go, I created a self-portrait, so I'll post it here before running to the other room to watch the Super Bowl. I am rooting for the underdog (Giants)!

Lynda (on her way to curl up)