Saturday, November 24, 2007

Back again...making art and writing.

Hello everyone! Thanks to the loyal ones who kept checking here to see if I would reappear. Long stories aside, I finished all but one fall concert, went to my HS reunion, saw my father and mother, and kept right on collecting treasures to use in my art...but neglected this blog.

I'm here to say I am back. My friend Cynthia gently chided me for being away, so I promised her (and myself) I would share all that is going on, plus continue with my artistic plans, AND share some good news as well.

Here is an autumn scene from Old Salem, North Carolina. I always make a fall pilgrimage there after our annual music conference in Winston-Salem. The fall leaves never look prettier than they do there.
Sad news first -- my father passed away yesterday in Texas, and I am on my way there Wednesday. He was 78 and had been ill for over two years. I love him and we will all miss him. He was the salt of the earth, a common-sense man, die-hard Cowboys fan, and totally devoted to my mother and us. I give thanks that he was my father and that he lived such a good and full, giving, life.

Artistically, my family is still, and will be, a continuous source of support and inspiration for me. I'll be sharing some old photos of my maternal grandmother, the one who gave us the "book" that was my original collage "heart". I have photos of her when she was very small. They cry out for restoration and to be included in some very special creations.

Additionally, I feel the need to keep communications very strong this holiday season, and I am sharing the photo I'm using on our Christmas cards this year. Try taking photos of your holiday decorations and your home, as well as your family itself. Those are the tender glimpses that your friends and family want you to share with them this joyous season.

Some very good news, in 2 parts:
1. I just found out I received my National Board Certification in teaching (Music). It is a year-long (plus) project, and in hours seems to rival another master's degree. I'm very proud of finishing the process, and particularly proud of certifying.

2. ART NEWS: Watch for Lesley Riley's interview with me, "Artist to Artist" in the January issue of CLOTH PAPER SCISSORS! I loved working with Lesley on this project, and am super excited to know they will be publishing 3 pieces of my artwork! Hooray! Everybody watch for it.

One last note -- I am signed up to go to Tuscany next June 2008 to take Lesley's course, sponsored by Art & Soul, but I know they are still trying to sign up the minimum number of participants. Think about it, and how beautiful and awesome an experience it will be, and join us! Information is on the Art and Soul site. Consider this a personal plea from me!

Back to Christmas cards and emails and packing for my trip to Texas. I hope everyone had a warm and joyous Thanksgiving, and that it is just the very beginning of an extra-special holiday season, 2007!



~*~Patty S said...

Lynda ~ I read your entry on the A&S chitchat group. Please accept my condolences on your father's passing. I am inspired by the way you wrote about art and handling the stresses of life. I truly find that making art helps keep me feeling more balanced.I think it's wonderful that you seem to be able to maintain that balance. Thank you for sharing! I'm enjoying your blog!
~*~ Patty in VA

Michele R. Unger said...

Deepest sympathy for the loss of your father.
On a happier note, congratulations on being in Cloth Paper Scissors! That's fantastic!
All the best,
Michele in WA