Sunday, March 2, 2008


Good evening, everyone! Just wanted to tell you that the March/April issue of CLOTH PAPER SCISSORS is on the shelves tomorrow. The article that Lesley Riley wrote as she interviewed me is wonderful, and they have published several of my collages, as well. Do check it out!!!

Here is a glimpse into the poster I've been working on all weekend. I'm hoping that the article, plus seeing some of my work, will encourage more people to delve into this area.

Thank you, Lesley -- for the opportunity for others to see my art -- and for the chance to share a small glimpse into my artistic world. I'm hoping this helps make artists collectors and collectors artists!!!

Oh, and this June I will make a journey to England to observe, photograph, experience, and just make art and write about it. I will be keeping a journal and sharing it here.
